Although many people don’t believe it, an Erasmus year not only means party, party and more party. In fact, everyone who experienced it know that it’s not so.
On the one hand, ‘the least positive’, is the distance. Distance of people who need: family, friends, people who don’t give so much importance when you are close but when you are away remember them…people who are part of your life. Distance of things you do normally: to call a friend to meet you without waiting months, to go outside to take a snack, to walk the street after a long day without all is lonely (the city becomes a ghost town at six p.m.). Distance of your homeland: there is a wonderful landscape here but I miss fragrances and colors, ‘my streets made of stone’ and little houses of my villages…Distance of my language: to speak about all you want say in a language that you don’t know very well is very difficult.
On the other hand is the loaded part of positive things. You meet a lot of new people from around the world (Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Finland, Turkey, South Africa…), with their languages, cultures, their ways of being and their own experiences; and you make new friends. You visit new places (Brussels, Brugge, Gent, Leuven...Holland or Italy). You learn to manage in a different place, away from it all, not only to be free and to can do what you want; to take care of all or to be alone with a toothache too; but, believe me, these experiences are useful for you to know that you can be a survivor. Well, on second thought, to be free and to can do what you want is very, very good! I never thought I would be travelling from here to there without stopping as soon, and I feel very lucky for it! Finally, I must to talk about parties, parties and more parties because…Erasmus means it, too! ;)
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